Mediation is a choice for your family.

It’s effective.

Families that end up in court are more likely to return to court than those that undergo mediation; partners are much more likely to follow an agreement that they had a say in writing and to return to mediation if changes need to occur. In mediation, families learn to communicate and move forward in a healthy manner. Going to court can add further conflict, and emotional and financial stress within the family. Mediation offers a path for families to remain on good terms.

It’s economical.

Litigation frequently costs upwards of $30k to $50k per side; mediation offers a better resolution for families at a fraction of the cost. Family Circle is priced so that families of all incomes can seek mediation.

It’s faster.

Before COVID, family law litigation trials often took at least a year for a judgment to be rendered, with multiple motions in between. With COVID, courts across the country are backlogged, meaning even more significant delays for families facing divorce, separation, or other changes. Mediation offers an opportunity for families to find a solution now.

It’s confidential.

Litigation involves discovery of personal and sensitive documents including financial records or communications. Court records are often public. Mediation keeps your family privacy intact. Everything said in mediation is confidential. This enables you to speak more freely and to discuss different solutions without the scrutiny of others.