Mediation that fits your family.

Family Circle Mediation is a virtual mediation firm that specializes in developing resolutions to family law issues, such as prenups, separations, divorces, and modifications. Our mission is to preserve the relationship between families as much as possible, through communication, cooperation, and inclusion, so that families can continue to develop and grow in healthy ways after mediation.

Families today are increasingly blended and intricate, including half-siblings, step-siblings, intercultural, interracial, interfaith, poly, and LGBQT. Families come in all beautiful shapes and sizes, and so should the solutions to family conflicts. Mediation offers a process where partners can create solutions that fit their family dynamic. 

Family Circle Mediation understands that each family is unique and that a workable future should not be confined to a court dictated arrangement. We are here to help you determine your family’s new path of resolution.


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